Career Counselling
A wrong choice of career and selection of subjects is a potential disaster for the rest of one’s life. It’s extremely crucial for the students and parents to consider detailed career counselling sessions before deciding on investing time and financial resources on any academic programme. A scientific approach towards career planning will give an extra edge to the student in today’s competitive world. This will help one to understand the true potential of the student and identify his or her areas of strengths and weaknesses before choosing a career option and select a stream or subjects to pursue it.
We at India Educates have experienced career counsellors and scientific psychometric assessment tools to assist students to get closer to their dream careers. All the assessment tools are meticulously designed to bring out the true potential and interest of the students.
Psychometric Assessment Tools
Psychometric Assessment Solutions
We have customized career guidance solutions for :
Class VIII to XII | UG/PG Students | Working Professionals | Schools, Colleges and Universities
Career Sutras
We have designed an unique multi-dimensional solution for Schools, Colleges and Universities for their learners and educators too.
A. Presentations
We make presentations to the students and their parents (engaging parents in the process will be extremely useful) on various career options and how to prepare for them.
B. Psychometric Assessments for Students
We make arrangements for psychometric assessments for the willing students to have better clarity on their career choices in future.
C. Admission Workshop and Mini Education Fairs
We conduct workshops to prepare students for admissions to colleges/universities for higher studies in India and abroad. We would organise Mini Education Fairs inside the campus.
D. Motivational Sessions
We organise sessions to motivate students by external speakers. This will help them to be more focussed.
E. Scholarship Assistance
We support the learners in your institute to bag scholarships from various leading institutes based on their performance.
F. Psychometric Assessments for Teachers
A scientifically validated psychometric assessment tool specially designed for the role and responsibilities of a teacher. This can be used at educational institutions for hiring, training and as a self-development tool for teachers for both entry level roles as well as for the experienced positions.